use strict; use Math::Complex qw(:trig); sub sqr($) { my $x = shift; $x * $x; } my @spheres = (); if (0) { my $N = 3; for my $i (0..$N-1) { push @spheres, { 'x' => 0.5 * cos($i*2*pi()/$N), 'y' => 0, 'z' => 0.5 * sin($i*2*pi()/$N), 'radius' => 0.7 }; } } else { my $r0 = 0.3; my $D = 1.3; # srand 1; for my $i (1..6000) { my $rnd = rand(1); my $radius = $rnd > 0 ? $r0 * exp(1-1/$rnd) : 0; push @spheres, { 'x' => 30 * (rand(1) - 0.5), 'y' => $radius * (rand(2)-1), 'z' => 30 * (rand(1) - 0.5), 'radius' => $radius }; } } sub absv ($) { my $p = shift; sqrt(sqr($p->{'x'}) + sqr($p->{'y'}) + sqr($p->{'z'})); } sub addv ($$) { my $p1 = shift; my $p2 = shift; { 'x' => $p2->{'x'} + $p1->{'x'}, 'y' => $p2->{'y'} + $p1->{'y'}, 'z' => $p2->{'z'} + $p1->{'z'} }; } sub subv ($$) { my $p1 = shift; my $p2 = shift; { 'x' => $p2->{'x'} - $p1->{'x'}, 'y' => $p2->{'y'} - $p1->{'y'}, 'z' => $p2->{'z'} - $p1->{'z'} }; } sub mulv ($$) { my $p1 = shift; my $p2 = shift; $p2->{'x'} * $p1->{'x'} + $p2->{'y'} * $p1->{'y'} + $p2->{'z'} * $p1->{'z'}; } sub mulvs ($$) { my $p = shift; my $m = shift; { 'x' => $p->{'x'} * $m, 'y' => $p->{'y'} * $m, 'z' => $p->{'z'} * $m }; } sub distv ($$) { my $p1 = shift; my $p2 = shift; absv(subv($p1, $p2)); } open(BUBBLES, ">") or die " $!"; print BUBBLES "#declare Bubbles = object { union {\n"; for my $i (0..$#spheres) { my $s = $spheres[$i]; my @planes = (); for my $j (0..$#spheres) { next if $i == $j; my $r1 = $spheres[$i]->{'radius'}; my $r2 = $spheres[$j]->{'radius'}; my $d = distv($spheres[$i], $spheres[$j]); # print "$i,$j: r1=$r1, r2=$r2, d=$d\n"; if ($d > abs($r1 - $r2) && $d < $r1 + $r2) { # print "spheres $i and $j intersect\n"; my $d1 = - (sqr($r2) - sqr($r1) - sqr($d))/(2 * $d); my $v = subv($spheres[$i], $spheres[$j]); my $h = addv($spheres[$i], mulvs($v, $d1/$d)); my $n = mulvs($v, -1/$d); $n->{'d'} = mulv($n, $h); push @planes, $n; } } if(@planes) { print "sphere $i intersects with ", scalar @planes, " sphere(s).\n"; print BUBBLES " difference {\n sphere { <$s->{x}, $s->{y}, $s->{z}>, $s->{radius} }\n"; foreach my $n (@planes) { print BUBBLES " plane { <$n->{x}, $n->{y}, $n->{z}>, $n->{d} }\n"; } print BUBBLES " }\n"; } else { print BUBBLES " sphere {\n <$s->{x}, $s->{y}, $s->{z}>, $s->{radius}\n }\n"; } } print BUBBLES " }\n hollow\n no_shadow\n}\n"; close BUBBLES;